Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Where Are The Moderates?
How the hell did we lose this time? I blame it on the lack of moderates these days. Due to the election and President Bush's blatant disregard for Democratic policies, both sides refurse to work with each other. This is, indeed, really, really bad.
Without moderates willing to compromise, nothing will ever be accomplished. In order to circumvent this, the Republicans have tried to push their majority in both the Senate and House of Representatives to new extremes. However, they are stopped in the Senate because of one key issue: Many votes require a 60/40 majority to pass, and the Republicans have only 55 seats in the senate.
Consider this: During the next 4 years, if the Democrats in the Senate rejected everything. No bill would ever come to fruition. No reforms or anything would ever come to pass. Imagine, in 4 years, if we had the exact same laws being stuck in Congress. It would be hell.
This is a call to all moderates to step out of the woodwork.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
FCC What?
So, why is it that the FCC said AVP was rated PG-13, and Collateral rated R? Their basically the same, and both pretty damn violent. Both consists of guns, curses, etc. Supposidly, it is because Collateral contains people killing people without any moral reason. So, by their logic, I'm allowed to make a highly gory movie about Jesus land invading and killing everybody else. Its religeous, and its supposidly moral (by christian views), since their killing all the sinners. So, I can walk away with a PG-13 and a Christian version of Saving Privite Ryan.
The FCC also has the ability to say what goes onto TV, and what doesn't. Saving Private Ryan was going to go onto TV on Veterans day, but the FCC disallowed that. Something like Kangaroo Jack replaced that or something. You get the point. But why was Saving Privite Ryan taken off TV? If the parents are so worried about it, they should just hang over their kid's shoulders.
Alot of anime are also rated R just because of humans killing humans. Gunslinger Girls, I can understand why its rated R. It's pretty gory, and you have little cybernetic girls killing people. But anime such as Noir, I can't see rated R. So sure, there are two girls who go around shooting people, but it's not really that gory. That should be rated PG-13. Blood the Last Vampire should be rated R. That one is very bloody.
The FCC should be dissolved. If Bush took away some of the ABA's powers, then the FCC should not be allowed to run cencorship for TV. It's not our fault that there is absolutly nothing on TV, its the FCC's fault. If they keep on taking away every single human against human combat, then you might as well turn TV into care bears and jesus channels.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Informed people are right.
You see, I am a liberal, democrat, whateveryawannacallit. So is the rest of this site. Now, Adar Weinreb ( is the exact opposite, a raving conservative, republican, whatever. Still, I have to listen to what he says. Why? Because he actually knows a small bit of what he's talking about. Now the opposite of him, those that are uninformed, are the ones who say things like, "Abortion is murdering babies!" and, "Stem cells come from dead babies!" Obviously, those people have dead baby fetishes. Anyway, they are wrong. If they, the uninformed conservatives, would listen for a small minute, maybe they'd be listen to reason. This reason would be that their morals should not immediately be the morals of an entire country. This is especially true for a government founded on a separation of church and state. Bringing morals from religion into a government is usually not a good idea. But, that's exactly what has happened. What is the main argument for the conservative against gay marriage? "It is a sacred institution!" or, "It's just not right." If something is sacred, then it is about religion. If something is right or wrong, it is about personal beliefs and morals. Neither of these should be brought into a government, if it has any intelligence.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
The iPod Sucks
Creative products. These have touch pads instead of scroll wheels.
Creative Zen Touch 20gig.
Creative Zen Micro 5gig. (1 gig more than the iPod mini. Also, comes in more colors, and is cheaper. Black color shown here.)
Rio products. These are incredably small and portable.
Rio Karma 20gig.
Rio Carbon 5gig.
Flash players. These have no moving parts, so they're hard to break. Smaller sizes, though. Multiple companies.
Rio Forge 512meg.
Creative Labs Muvo 256meg.
That's enough for now. I only did two companies, but you get the idea. There's plenty of choices, why would you ever settle for an expensive pile of crap?
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Exciting News and Times
Now that that's out of the way, let's begin. You may think that just because all the fervor over the election has died down that everyone would stop bashing Bush, (well, almost everyone) but you're wrong. Here at Pamphlets of the New Generation we hate Bush. A lot. We hate him so much that we will continue to haunt him for the rest of his life. The main reason is due to his Presidency, but creating the Texans is a good enough one as well.
Let's begin. In his bid for the Presidency in the year 2000, as part of the process to elimnate rivals, he attacked John Mcain's record in Vietname. Sound familiar? Bush attacked the one senator respected by both the Democrats and the Republicans, and what happens? He wins the damn Presidency. Even worse, he wins because of the Supreme Court, not because of either the real popular vote or electoral vote.
Next, his first crisis, the China spy plane incident was handled so poorly I laughed. He couldn't even apologize, so the Chinese received a letter saying that the United States was "Very very sorry", which due to translation, was accepted by the Chinese.
Onto his failure to protect against September 11th. He actually received a memo stating "Bin Laden to Attack Inside the United States", but what did he do? He went golfing, on national television. Of all things, why would anyone ignore that?
He has failed the intelligence community's credibility with his claim to weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and he turned the topic away from that to spreading "democracy". And then his intelligence failed him again, losing 200 tons worth of explosive devices.
All this and he still claims to make our nation safer?
Monday, December 13, 2004
Bush's godly economic plan
He said:
The guy at the bottom of the money tree gets a larger tax cu than the guy up on the top. Therefore, the guy on the bottom has benefited more than the guy on the top of the money tree.
Many Americans fall for that saying, because it looks good percentage wise. The poor people get more money, and everybody is happy.
However, Bush did not tell you that the tax cut was for the rich. The guy at the bottom of the money try may have saved around 100 dollars because of the tax cut. Now look at the guy on the top of the money tree. He/she has saved more than 1000 dollars due to the tax cut. Plus, that person's stock/bond money aren't taxed. So the person on the top gets more money than the guy on the bottom.
See the problem (results are not correct, just there for an example)?
Because of the war in Iraq, the bad timing to give a tax cut, Bush has raised the allowed national debt number to 8.18 Trillion. The original allowed national debt number 8.1792 trillion. This is 70 percent of the national economy. By passing this bill, he can now spend more money, and leave our country in more debt.
So who has to pay for this large debt? We do. Bush has planned to dip into our social security money pool in order to pay off this large debt. Plus, he refuses to raise taxes, and/or tax the money made from stocks. Now something just doesn't add up here. Why is he lowering taxes when he's just going to take money from the people themselves? The social security funds are from the people. So your basically just taking money from the people in a more discrete fashion.
We need this money to pay off our national debt. Bush doesn't think so. He's all for the tax cut.
Selling Computers in China
Why? I'll tell you.
You sell a computer, and you make no profits. Most of the computers bought in China are comprised up of hole in the wall computer stores. You go there, pick out the parts, and they make them for you. Their faster, meaner, cooler, and sometimes cheaper than whatever computer companies try to sell to you. So selling computers is probably the dumbest thing ever. You set up factories in China, bribe the officials, etc. No one buys. You loose money.
Well, selling programs isn't any better. Windows XP has been pirated, and sent all over China to sell. No longer do you have to pay the regular 100 dollars for a copy, now you can spend a fraction of that price for Windows. Or they get linux. Whatever, the point is, you still don't make any money. This is the same thing with games. Their games are alot cheaper. Why? Because you don't really buy them from the companies, you buy them from guys who hacked the program.
So, why Americans persist to sell computers and stuff in China is beyond me. You might make money off of selling hardware, since the hole in the wall stores need parts. But thats about it. No one wants to buy factory made computers. Plus, in China, no one wants to spend ANY money on an OS. So maybe you can make millions of dollars since theres alot of Chinese people. But if a hundreth of the Chinese population spends money on your stuff, your not making much. With all the factory and shipping stuff, your probably loosing money. The Chinese? Hell, the guys who bought your stuff are probably hacking and selling them for the country.
Same goes with DVDs, CDs, and etc.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Gay Marriage...and no, I'm not gay
So marriage grants you more things than just sharing the same last name. You get benefits. Benifits which are very much useful for a married couple.
National benefits:
1. Access to Military Stores
2. Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
3. Bereavement Leave
4. Immigration
5. Insurance Breaks
6. Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
7. Sick Leave to Care for Partner
8. Social Security Survivor Benefits
9. Sick Leave to Care for Partner
10. Tax Breaks
11. Veteran’s Discounts
12. Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
Several State Benefits:
1. Assumption of Spouse’s Pension
2. Automatic Inheritance
3. Automatic Housing Lease Transfer
4. Bereavement Leave
5. Burial Determination
6. Child Custody
7. Crime Victim’s Recovery Benefits
8. Divorce Protections
9. Domestic Violence Protection
10. Exemption from Property Tax on Partner’s Death
11. Immunity from Testifying Against Spouse
12. Insurance Breaks
13. Joint Adoption and Foster Care
14. Joint Bankruptcy
15. Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records)
16. Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner
17. Certain Property Rights
18. Reduced Rate Memberships
19. Sick Leave to Care for Partner
20. Visitation of Partner’s Children
21. Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
22. Wrongful Death (Loss of Consort) Benefits
By denying people the right to marry, you are denying them the rights listed above. Saying it is against religeon is basically saying equal rights is against your religeon. Just because your a homophobe, does not mean you should discriminate against gay people. It's genetics. There's nothing they could have done about it. You might as well say people with OCD shouldn't be allowed to vote since they would keep on pressing the vote button. Or maybe bums shouldn't have any rights because they scare you.
I'm pretty sure democracy supports equal rights. So if you say marriage is only for a male and female, either abolish every single benefit listed above, or make it so gay couples can attain them. Marriage is much much more than just sharing your last name. It comes with benefits every married couple wants.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
IM is bad
For example, the word you. It has been degraded into the letter "u," in AIM. This is the effects of IM. Soon, after several hours wasted on AIM, you end up typing the word you, into the letter u. Trust me on this, I'm speaking from experience. It took me several weeks to undo that habit during 7th grade. IM is bad for you. In extreme cases, it leaks into regular speech. For example, the text ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing). I have heard, "roffle," said out loud during school. This also includes, "looool." This is how AIM rots your mind. It develops it's own laugage type thing. Which is bad. Your teacher probably hates it when you have the letter, "u," the text, ": )," etc. IT'S BAD.
Also, many of IM users are pretty computer illiterate. There is a function inside AIM where it turns off the sounds. However, everybody has heard the classic story of the guy who's roomate had AIM. The highly annoying sound has ticked many off. In the case of the story, the guy takes out his baseball bat and breaks the computer. It happens. Theres also the one's who are like, "NEVER! OR ELSE I DON'T KNOW WHEN I GOT IM'ED." You get the point.
IM has gone too far. Now they have electronics devoted to AIM. Your cellphone now has text messages. You have that little slidy thingy which lets you AIM whenever you want. This rapidly degrades the writing ability of many. It rips the language part of your brain out from your ears. It is bad for you. IM is bad.
Bush's Plans for the Supreme Court
Bush has pushed a bill through congress dealing with the American Bar Association. The American Bar Association has one very important tas, it regulates who can be admitted into the Supreme Court. Judges who are admitted have the change to be picked into the Supreme Court. Most of the judges are moderate, and definently not bias. However, the bill states that judges no longer have to seek approval from the ABA. Now, the president can pick whatever judges he wishes.
Several problems arise with this. One of which is Bush's ideas for the, "perfect," society. Teaching abstenince in schools instead of birth control, no more genetic/stem cell research, no abortion, etc. In other words, he can now basically screw up the country however way he wishes. He can turn the US, into, "Jesusland." A land in which many of the democrats do not wish to live in. Especially if they start teaching prayer in school. Only god knows how pissed the Democrats will become.
This will also affect future generations. You see, the Supreme Court is not supposed to have a high concentration of hardcore liberals/conservatives. If you have a high liberal concentration, we have very er, loose laws. With a high conservative concetration, we end up with really freaky things such as the things planned in Bush's mind. Therefore, in 50 years, if a freakishly hardcore democrat steps into office and all the Supreme Court people retire, he may fill up the cabinent with liberals, and drastically change the society. Unless we get a president who is willing to repeal Bush's ABA bill, every single Hardcore president that steps into office in 50 ish so years will change the court, into something of his favor.
This has got to be Bush's most boneheaded idea ever. Not only does he now have the power to screw this country into a Christian palace, he now enables every single future hardcore president to nuke the country. Hopefully it wont happen, and the judges Bush picks aren't hardcore. But if so, I'm gonna really move to Canada...Or australia. FIGHT NIGHT.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
The Scribe Returns! Christmas Edition.
Why has a religious holiday become so twisted into a commercial venture in the US? In other countries, the urge to sell is not nearly as great, but in the United States, Christmas is synonomous with gifts, money spending, and sales. In fact, companies rely so much on Christmas that they expect 40% of their sales to come from the very first day of holiday shopping alone. 40%!
In fact, why are we even celebrating Christmas in December? The Bible even says that Jesus was born in the springtime, March or Aprilish, so why celebrate his birthday now? What's the point? Do people in America want to be so greedy that they have to invent this holiday and skew what once was a holy day into a moneymaking scam? And what does the Church have to say about this?
Absolutely jack shit.
Friday, December 03, 2004
The Idiocity of SUV
Studies show that if everybody in the US changes from SUVs to Hybrids, we cut out oil consumption by more than half. Therefore, if we switch everybody to hybrids, we can tell the Saudi's to go screw themselves, and we can walk off without worrying about oil. Besides, with all the terrorist funding crap, it should be a good thing switching everybody to SUVs. We use less oil, the terrorists don't obtain such shiny-ish stuff. So they don't run around with the XM8, but they won't be able to afford as many AK-47s, RPGs, etc. Maybe then will we stop finding 200 tons worth of explosives. Maybe then we can stop the so called biological/chemical weapon development. Maybe then we can tell the terrorists to screw themselves.
The SUV is the most dangerious car on the road. First thing is that it flips really easily. I mean, they have a freaking, "Don't drive SUV," sign all over the highway. Notice the ripped tires? Yeah, those are all from flipped SUVs. An SUV flipping is already a bad thing. But its bumper thing is worse. Thats a big danger on the road. The SUV bumper goes up to say, head level when your sitting in a car. That thing comes running into you, your head gets splattered. A.K.A Your dead. So it's a pretty scary road hazard. Plus, the added height of an SUV means super agressive drivers. They think their so high up in their SUVs, and that they control the roads. So now you have agressive drivers driving into you. And we all know how scary the white gloves of terror are.
The SUV is a shitty car. Its badly designed, its a road hazard, etc. So WHY would you want one? It kills people, and it kills you. Maybe its because you like being high up, but that just makes you easy to flip. Besides, having a gas tank as large as an SUV is basically giving money to the Saudi.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Time to Examine the Bible
Leviticus 24: 13
"The Lord said to Moses, "Take that man out of the camp. Everyone who heard him curse shall put his hands on the man's head to testif that he is guilty, and then teh whole community shall stone him to death."
That REALLY fits in with God's "Thou shall not kill" commandment.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Theology Wars: The Eli Strikes Back
Could anyone tell me the new laws? I really am curious as to what they are, because then I could bash them. Help would be appreciated.
Now then, off to ridicule? Splendid! Well, howabout those ten commandments? Good rules, right? Thou Shalt Not Kill is my favorite. It's so easy to understand, so very basic, so very "Hey, you shouldn't do that. Knock that shit off."
Then why does God do it?
Not to mention, why are there so many things that say to do it?
The actual quote is (Exodus 12:23 I think) "Thou Shalt Not Kill" which is (through literal translation -lo tirtzack[Lo meaning "Thou Shalt Not" and tirtzack meaning "Kill Anything"]-) "You will not kill anything to speak of" which is silly, because they ate meat. An interesting note is how in the garden of Eden everyone and everything was herbivorous, but after the fall man and animal began to eat meat.
Wait...why are animals punished? Not to mention, we have found thousands of carnivorous or omnivorous animal fossils far prior to human fossils. That doesn't make sense, does it? I should note that Christians who think that Satan put fossils there are stupid.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
After Much Deliberation, I've Decided That Christianity Is Crack
1. The Church shall never ever enter politics. Ever. There is a reason for the seperation of church and state, and if it does not happen, there will be no more church.
2. The Church may voice its policies, but it must not banish those who hold different views about nonreligious matters. This was why the Protestant Reformation began. They are doing it again on another level and it must be stopped.
3. The Pope must not be so old. This one I added because people remember things in 3.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Call for Religeous Reformation
At first, it was all good. Really. The Pope had money, he had great power. None were too abusive, and voila, life was good. That was until the church started to become corrupt. The church started to sell so called, "pardons," or, "indulgences," in order to attain more money for their religeous statues and buildings. That was when the first reformation started. Luther wrote the 95 thesis about it. Calvin put up his own ideas. Both were casted out as a heretic.In time, the reformation happened, and things were good again.
If I ever go through with this, and my site gets traffic, in time, I will also become the same as Luther, Calvin, and those people. This site will be forbidden, and if the owner of blogger is highly religeous, it may be taken down. That however, is only if this is taken correctly, and that is in the extreme case.
Disregarding that, after the first reformation, times were good again. People had money, the church had lost their power, and money was given to the people who knew what was best for the country (such as Queen Elizebeth).
Now things have changed. Many things. That was just something about it.
First thing that must be changed, is the entire religeon itself. The jewish people say eating pigs and shellfish is a bad thing. However, there is a reason to that. Yes my friend, I said reason. If you go to a pig slaughter house, you will see living parasites swimming around on the floor which is filled up to your ankle in a pig's body fluids. Yes, disgusting. Pigs are very very disgusting. The Jews figured that out, but couldn't figure out how to cook a pig properly. Therefore, they did something that was for the good of the people. Said you can't eat pork. Same thing with shellfish. The Asians ate shellfish without a problem. That is only because the Asians knew how to cook shellfish.
The Christian religion needs major reformatting. First thing is that translate the bible correctly damnit. JESUS WALKED BY WATER, NOT ON WATER. Ok? The number 666 isn't the number of the anti-christ. It's a Roman's governers name added together.
Same thing with the muslim religeoun. Its 42 WHITE GRAPES, not virgins. Get that straight. The translation needs some work.
Second, is alot of clarification. It seems as if the Christian population takes the bible in a way that is so unforseen, it's ridiculous. Clarify the Bible, Tora, and the Old Testament.
Third, get the people to actually read the bible. The entire bible. Not go to church and balance your checkbook, or go to sleep, make them read the Bible. There was a reason why we have the printer here. It is so we can read. And reading your religeous book is the most important thing in a religeon.
Finally, please do not involve the church into politics and science in any way. If that is what we want to do, the church has no say in it. It's not suppose to, there's a seperation between the church and state. Basically, stop voting for things that the church tells you to. Do some research first, and then vote what you think is right.
Those are the reforms which are important. Without them, we have difficulties in the world. We went through one religeon reform, why can't we go through another? Educated the people, the world has changed, we have things here that they didn't back then.
Call another religeous reformation!
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
The stupidity of Americans
So what if it says, homosexuality is a sin by your bishop (not bible, I'll explain later).
It's not really a big deal. The big deal is about the war on Iraq and whether or not we should institute a draft. The big deal is how we are going to get out of our major debt Geroge Bush as accumulated. These my friend, are stuff the common folks of America should worry about. We should worry about tax cuts, the draft, etc. You get the point.
But hey, it is a big deal. The Christians certainly think so. It doesn't even say that in the bible. Let me explain. There is a part of the bible where the Christians think it says homosexuality is a sin. So the story goes, angles come down, and the town wants to have a big orgy with them. In other words, the gang rape from hell. Well, the leader of the city (mayor) says, "No, I will give up one of my daughters if you don't rape the angels." So his daughter is gang raped, and the angels fly away happly ever after.
Moral of the story: I'm pretty sure it's LETS NOT RAPE ANGELS LESS WE FACE THE WRATH OF GOD.
Whats worse, most Americans are more ignorant with the bible than me. Seriously. I'm atheist/agnostic here. I flip flop. I'm sure as hell not Christian/Catholic, or whatever. I know that the first commandment is, "Thou shall not place any god before me." It is not, "thou shall not kill."
Then we come to the commandment where it states, "Thou shall respect thy parents." The big thing is, why the hell do we have retirement homes then? They like beat old people and feed them slop. Its basically like a way to get rid of your parents while their going to DIE.
Ok, so lets avoid the Christian topic and move onto the red states.
"We drink fine french wine. You drink budwiser."
Thats true. Us blue's don't like cheap booze. We like good vodka. We like good wine. Why? Because we have more money. Were better educated, were better fed, and we feed our kids Ridalin and Prozac to keep them happy (less your like me, who only needs rides from here and there and doesn't ask for much).
I mean, the red states are manipulated by Blue republicans. A.k.A Filthy rich people who say, "vote bush for the bible!" *cough* more taxcuts for more money *cough*.
I mean, stupid reds for not realizing this.
And lets just lightly touch on the topic of Bush.
Look at the blues. We don't have as many teen pregnancys. But the reds? Their all stupid enough to think, "lets not teach kids about condoms and lets teach them to have sex after marraige."
Doesn't work that way. Teenagers are horny by nature. We weren't originally supposed to live past the age of 40.
And yet, we have people who don't believe that. We have people who believe in creation even though if that was true, we would be so fucking inbred it would be pathetic. Oh, maybe the reds are. The majority of them have an IQ lower than 100 (average cutline).
They don't believe that homosexuality is just a genetic trait. Why? Because their small minds can't comprehend something past their propagandic religeon. I mean, I can accept all of this. Why? I'm not very religeous if religeous at all.
The bible is just a book of MORALS. THEY TEACH US ABOUT MORALS OK!?!?!?
I mean, people who voted for Bush are either incredibly rich, or incredibly stupid. They can't comprehend science. The rich can, but their the republicans who just punked you out of all your money.
If the blues broke off from the reds, the reds would collapse. The blues are self sustainable. The reds would degrade into complete chaos. Its that or pure farmland. And thats just stupid.
The majority of Americans are stupid. We like propaganda. We like little things that have no meaning at all. We like Bush.
I don't.
I know who to vote for.
The reds are supported by the blues. We might as well let the blue's do all the voting because we all have the internet and are educated.
Eli is back, with knowledge! Hide!
So, what do Christians (RadCons) have against homosexuality? We're all familiar with Leviticus, right? "You shall not lay in be with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination." is a rather famous line. Right? Right. First of all, I can bring up the infamous line of "It messed up in translation" but that is simply too easy. Time to bring out the big guns... they're not that big, shutup... right, so it says you can't lay in bed with a man as you would with a woman, because it's an abomination. Apparently, so is planting more than one crop in a field. Leviticus 19:19(Leviticus is crazy man!). Does that mean farmers are going to hell for so minor a sin? Or are all abominations major? Is there a different level of abomination? Is homosexuality a major abomination, while eating shell fish is a minor abomination? (Leviticus 11:10. That crazy Leviticus!). I like oysters, personally. They are the only animal I eat nowadays. Rarely at that.
Enough talk of food.
*cough cough Levitivus 11:6-8 says touching dead pig makes you unclean cough cough*
Sorry, tickle in my throat. A cough. Totally innocent. Honest.
I side tracked a bit, sorry. So, back to homosexuality? Cool.
As far as I can tell, homosexuality is a sin for the same reason that anything else is a sin. For the reason of God not liking it, and it being an abomination. Sucks for me, I can't even eat oysters without being damned. Not to mention if I cut the hair around my temples, God forbid! (really. God does forbid. Leviticus 19:27, if you're curious.) Also, apparently (through serious studying...on a forum. Took me five minutes, seriously. Can't you guys do this by yourselves?) the reason why homosexuality is forbidden is because (get this) you can't pro-create. Guess what! We can nowadays. Yeah, that's right. We can pro-create! We can take a woman's egg cell and turn it into a sperm! We can take a sperm and turn it into an egg! Isn't this incredible? This's warm and feels like logic!
Christians must not feel that very often.
I am sure I forgot something. Oh, yeah! Mental process! We all know how people find people of the opposite gender attractive due to chemicals in the brain. Yea? It is (furthermore) thoroughly proven that the same happens with homosexuals. Turn opposite to same, though.
Ever notice how they always rant against male homosexuals? What happened to lesbians? Gee, chauvenism AND social bias! What a world we live in.
Evil Raddies
Radacal conservatives are mostly Christian.
Radcons are the people who are destroying the US. Such as the thought of War on Terrorism. We have spent over 10 billion dollars on that stupid war. What we could have done with that money is increase our education, bolster our military strength, etc. You get the point (if not, your a dumbass). That is just one thing. Something big, but it's only one thing.
Other stuff Radcons believe in is an economical system. One of which is giving all the money to RICH people, hoping they will make companies and provide jobs. One problem, they are already filthy rich. Second, you do that, and they will be richer. We need to spend money on the lower class.
Radal conservatives have done numerous things which are, BAD. Such as the teaching of Abstenince in Texas. Um hello? You have the highest teen pregnancy rate in the entire United States. You dumb schmuck.
Bush (a radcon himself) has also done many things against the people of the United States. Such as taking money out of the Veterans medical funds, stem cell research, Aids (we'll just teach abstenince), etc. Well then, thats a stupid thing to do isn't it? PLUS he did a tax cut (again, for the rich people). What does the tax cut mean? It means were in DEBT due to the war with Iraq. You don't go to war and lower taxes at the same time. That's just not something you want to do. Bush seinor did it the right way, he RAISED taxes during the war. AND he got Saudi Arabia to pay for some of it. Bush Seinor == good thinking. Bush Junior == WTF WERE YOU ON!

These are also the people who want, "under god," in the pledge, and want prayer taught in school. Well, your Christian. You want Christian stuff. What about all of us who don't believe in your religeon? Damn us all to hell? Piss off. I'm not going to be the one who prays during school. Thats even a violation of a Bill of Right (under god would qualify). Do your research if you want to know.
Homosexuality, a big topic when it comes to Radcons. "NO THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MARRY EACH OTHER!" Well, I for one says, "let them do what they want." Maybe IF you didn't get all these special benifits from marriages, I would be on your side (protection of religeon). But no, with all the special benifits of marrying, it changes everything. You see, they want it too. If there weren't any special benifits, those homosexual people would just say nothing and live together.
Us Liberals, are not femminazis, tree huggers, satan's messengers, people who will destroy the US. Ironically, we are trying to keep everything FAIR (Radical conservatives don't believe in equal rights).
It's suppose to be the Liberals who are trying to find every loop hole in the rights. Its suppose to be the conservatives who try to close them. Erm, let me think. Its OPPOSITE.
Radcon Congressmen are the people who took money out of the IRS. What does that mean? All the rich guys can now CHEAT the goverment with tax evasion (multiple identities). Now they have more money, now the country has less, and now were in MORE debt.
So, what does this mean? Is this just some random rant about Radcons? Actually, I'm here telling you want NOT to become. If you are already one (for all you, "GOO BUSH BECUASE OF THIS this this...") go get a vial of arsen and drink it. You are the people who are killing the US. Not us. If you don't want to drink arsen, then don't. I can't force you to do anything. I'm just stating why being a radcon is a bad thing.
So maybe you say your not a radcon. You are a radcon when you believe in several things such as...
If you find you believe in MOST of the topics listed above, you are a RADCON. Highly ignorant, arrogant, stupid, bible thumpers, YOU GET THE POINT.
Btw, Homosexuality is genetics. Kids raised by gay parents will not be gay.
Lesson to be learned: Don't become a radcon, you will only destroy the already mangled US (Damn you Bush).
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Presidential Debate
Presidential debate
Bush did a lot better, but he still said absolutely nothing.
Bush making no mistake. Let us go, “I made no mistake.” The only thing I can think of that he didn’t make a mistake on is the China/Spy plane incident. If I was the president, world war three would be knocking at our front doors (draft for you idiots). He said something about, “
Kerry had a good point about stem cell research. The eggs are taken from fertility clinics. While they are in the fertility clinics, they are frozen in liquid nitrogen. The eggs that are getting a tad too old are incinerated. In other words, the eggs are killed. So Kerry says, “If they are going to die anyways, why don’t we use it for medical benefits? Bush, completely ignoring all of it says, “It is the destruction of life.” Kerry didn’t exactly know what he was talking about, but Bush is just being a moron.
Bush is basically saying, “Their all going to die, but we’ll just let the eggs die. If we use it for stem cell research, it’s evil!” Wait, something’s wrong there.
Oh, even better, the question, “What are you going to fill the Supreme Court with?” You are supposed to fill it up with an equal number of Liberals and Conservatives. Kerry didn’t exactly like that idea, so he said people who were fair. He wanted judges that knew what decision to make. “Pack it with strict interpretation of the constitution,” direct words from George Bush Jr. There are two problems with that line. That line really screams out conservative like nobodies business. The second problem is that I highly doubt Bush knows that that actually means. The translated line says, “If it’s not written in the Constitution, you can’t do it.” That is basically the definition of a Conservative. So what does this do to clash Bush’s ideals? That means you cannot increase funding for any religious groups. Bush actually wanted to increase fund for religion. Quote en quote, “prayer in school.”
Bush said Kerry voted against several bills (I forget which), that were probably important. Well, Kerry probably voted against them due to PORK, basically a bill with several other things written on the back in fine print. Idiot Bush.
“I have a small company? That’s news to me.” Well Mr. President, a lot of things is news to you, such as the fact that we found Saddam’s porn. Important info: Your daughter’s were in it.
Needless to say, one of Mr. Bush’s daughter looks like a crack whore.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Oh right, we're supposed to be scared of a group of smart women gathering together who talk about SCIENCE. Oh no! They're going to kill us all!!!
And what about this stuff blaming Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons? Do they even know what Harry Potter is about? "I used to be a normal kid, but now I'm a wizard. Now that I have your attention, let's learn witchcraft! YAY!" What the hell? And Dungeons and Dragons?? "I cast magic missle. Now to join a cult!"
Friday, September 17, 2004
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
A Very Disturbing Holy Relic
Case in point, the link in said title. It leads to an article about the Holy Prepuce, or, for those of us without shiny vocabularies, the Holy Foreskin of Jesus Christ. Foreskin, for the uninformed, is the skin on the front of the penis, usually cut off in circumsicion (like in Jesus' case).
Because if it is, it deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth forever. Period.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
And finally, I make my triumphant debut.
In other news,
Monday, August 30, 2004
Concept of Sin
Ok, here is some history about Homosexuality. This is important because this is what's been bothering the religeous/conservitive part of the United States.
Homosexuality is when you like somebody of the same gender. This is NOT a mental disorder. It is a genetic disorder. It is all dependent on your genes. Meaning, a person cannot become gay if he is raised by a gay couple. That just doesn't happen. Unless you magically make some new gene splicing technique, there is no way you can become gay by being raised by a gay couple. Proper misconception.
Second, most people don't know their homosexual. Many people are married before they discover they are actually gay. Why? They were brought up straight, but their still gay.
Third, homosexuality was all over the ancient world. Alexander the Great loved getting it up the butt by his generals. The most feared warrior of the ancient world, Spartans, also loved getting it up the ass. Homosexuality used to be a sign of a man. Yes used to.
Ok, so now that we have those basis covered, lets now talk about Rome.
The Romans used to be gluttons. They used to crucify people. They were real asses.
Ok, thats just a small part of it. I'm not going to explain everything, but one thing is for sure, they LOVED homosexuality. It was their part of life.
Now during the Roman empire, there was the rise of Christianity. Now, the Christians didn't like the Romans. They made everything the Romans had into sins. Like, homosexuality.
So now you have two things to worry about.
Having some genetic difference is a sin.
So does that mean being a retard is a sin?
Thats one thing, the other thing is also weird.
You take advantage of the Roman cause and you make everybody on your side hate it using propaganda. Propaganda with religeon. Last time I checked, propaganda is bad. So, saying AHHH BEING GAY IS A SIN, would be doing something bad.
Those are the 2 biggest problem. But now you go into the minds of the highly religeous people, and you have even bigger problems.
Such as....
God is omnipotent (don't ask me way they made it like this. Read an older post about this)
So why would got create a strain of humanity only to damn them to hell? I thought god LOVED people.
Prayer is kinda weird. What happens if you just do the same sin over and over again. You can just pray your way out of it right?
There rises the problem, your taking advantage of forgiveness. I could have sworn taking advantage of minds is a bad thing (I'm saying god has a mind only because he has to think in order to create).
Think about it. A gay person, a "tainted," person can still go to heven if he just prays he will never do it again every day. Therefore, he is taking advantage of a cause. I could have sworn that was a bad thing.
Either all of the philisophical thinker's minds are horribly twisted, or there are some major flaws in the Christian religeon.
Note that I am not saying god does not exist. I am saying, stuff like this doesn't make sense.
Friday, July 30, 2004
INFIDEL, n. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.
We're all infidels. I could go outside, and each person I see, at each time is an infidel. So, if we're all infidels. Does that mean there is no absolute truth? Not so.
There can not be two absolute truths which contradict each other.
I.E. There can not be only one true God, and no God/gods what so ever. Christianity vs. Atheism.
If any of you want to argue about that, go ahead and try.
Now, we've all heard of religious tolerance. Yeh? Yeh.
Fuck that! There is no reason to tolerate misjustice. You can go ahead and believe in God, but if you pray in my school I will think in your church, and I don't need a god damned pipe bomb to take you guys down. Pen is mightier than the sword, but the internet is more wide spread.
So, what do I mean by that last paragraph? I have no problem with Christians, as long as they don't whine. Leave gays alone, stop spelling clan with three K's, become pro-choice, and eat a god damned veggie burger! If you're pro-life, then become a vegetarian. If you're not, rock on, do what you please, I am not one to say "DON'T EAT MEAT, THINK ABOUT THOSE COWS!" because, frankly, I don't care about cows. I don't love animals, I hate plants...fucking cactus...
Friday, July 23, 2004
Roger's back from Taiwan
Mary mary.
Mary is a girl who had Jesus. The only catch is, she never had sex. Now how the hell did she become pregnant if she never got laied. I have three possible solutions. One involves a hot spring, and the other two involve guys.
Ok, so the first solution requires a hot spring, and a frisky couple. A hot spring's temperature is high enough to support sperm. Therefore, when a couple is having sex in the hot spring, and Mary is in it, she will get pregnant (as will all the other ladies in the pool).
Second solution is she actually got laid. No more said.
Third solution was she was jacking off a guy (some reports state she was a prostitute or a slut). It just happens to land where her vagina is. The sperm travelled in and she got pregnant.
Ok, so that the first part, self explanitory. The second part is,
Now that Mary has Jesus, she goes around saying he is the Messiah (savior of the people).
Ok, so if god existed, and Jesus really was the messiah, how would everybody know?
Lets take this example, I go around saying I am god in a serious fashion. Or I start saying the I am the lord, and I am watching. In the area where I live, people will not believe me. People will say Im insane. People will say Im just joking. If I did it in the Middle East, I would be shot for blashphemy.
Ok, so say I did have magical powers, I would be labled as the anti christ, and so forth, I would have more problems (chased, shot, etc).
So how did Jesus pull this off? You must remember, people then aren't as well educated as we are.
So the entire point is,
Even if Jesus really was the Messiah, he is still a con man. He took advantage of the low integrity of the ancient minds, therefore, seizing control. I'm not denying the fact he isn't the messiah, nor am I supporting. The entire point was, Mary and Jesus were both very talented con people.
Friday, July 02, 2004
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Not Roger!!
Well, where do I get started? So many errors, so little time. . . well. . . this seems as good a plce to start as any, really.
Well, we're all familiar with that one term. "God is merciful." We know that, or think that. None the less, we also know the phrase "God is love." or "I am a loving God." same thing. Well, here's a little point, if God is an all knowing, all loving, all merciful creature, what would compel him to damn his creations to eternities in hell fire? It seems rather mean, in my eyes. After all, we're not disappointing him. He knows exactly what we're going to do. Which brings me to this point, how do we have free will?
God knows exactly what each of us is going to do, when we're going to do it, in what color underwear, how many pieces of hair we'll have at that time, and how we feel about our mothers. So, above all that, he says we have free will. Seems more like we have fate, to me.
Ever wonder why they say Jesus H. Christ? What's the H. stand for?
Well, we're not just attacking Christianity or Catholicism here, are we? We can't give them all the credit for being sanctimonious bastards!
Think about the Muslims. They have to pray five times a day, to Mecca. Well, think about this. We're having plans to someday colonize Mars, so when that happens. . where will the Muslims pray to? Are muslims limited to Earth? Obviously, this religion has some major flaws. Muslims need to evolve, or the religion will die out.
Any religion, what so ever, with reincarnation. It's well known that the population is growing, so where do these souls come from?
I recall somewhere that Muslims are not to do anything that the prophet Muhammad himself did not do. Infact, I also heard about this debate on whether Muslims should eat mangos or not. Well, why the hell were the Islamics flying air planes? Let alone into our buildings!
Currently, I have seen video of brain transplants succeeding (To some extent. No function above the neck was working, save heart and lungs ecetera.) So, where does the soul go? At one time during that, the body of the animal was dead. Which soul is used? Does it have a soul anymore?
Well, time to get back to Christians, eh? They're quite a conundrum.
Let's attack the bible! Yay! Ready for a story children? Good, well here we go.
One day, on Friday evening, a man was nailed to two-by-fours. Well, it is predicted that he rose three nights afterwards(Matthew 12:40: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.). However, he rose on sunday. I believe I know how to use a calender, so lets count. S M T W T F S. Now, two days after Friday is sunday. What the hell happened on monday, eh?!
Well, you're welcome. Roger will probably post next, but if it might be me. So watch out!
Saturday, May 29, 2004
At least not the Christian theory.
The Christian Theory of creation is that a guy and a girl (Adam and Eve) were created, and they spawned the entire human race.
However, there comes several problems, such as different races, and inbreeding.
We will start at different races.
A white guy and a white girl isn't going to spit out an asian person. Likewise, an asian girl and an asian guy isn't going to spit out a black guy, etc. Now how is it you get a white guy and girl to spit out a black, asian, celtic, indian (and so forth) race?
NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. After many years of banging each other, we havn't found a way to spit out a different race out of two same raced people. Albino's don't count, since their gene's are f'ed up. And so forth..
Now we have the inbreeding problem.
First, let's take the example of pure bred dogs. They have the same genetic problems (worsening). Bad eyesight, genetic disease, etc. They take their youngest dog, and breed that with his first cousin. Something wrong there. In today's society, thats just disgusting.
Anyways, mutts, (not purebred dogs) are healther, stronger, faster, and smarter than pure bred. Reason being, they don't have the inbred problems.
This is the same with Humans. If we take the son, and his mom, to have kids, you are going to have one messed up kid (and relation). Now if you have only two people creating the entire human race, the entire human race is odd (that would maybe explain George Bush...),
Therefore, creation, the christian way, does not work.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
God as a 4d character
First, what is 4d? Well, the fourth dimention. The 4d can control time in the 3d world.
Lets first talk about the dimentions (not counting 1d). Ok, how would somebody in a 2d world see a sphere? They would see a dot get larger and smaller. A 4d sphere in a 3d world. We would see a small point (sphere) get bigger and smaller.
Now a prison in a 2d world would just be a closed polygon. Except a 3d world character can just step right over it. In the 3d world case, it would be a box. However, this you might find interesting. A 4d character can see the time rifts. Therefore, he can do really freaky stuff. To get out of a 3d prison, the 4d character could just go to the time where it was made, and just step out of the boundries.
To imprison a 4d character, you need a building that lasts for all of eternity.
Now what does this have to do with god?
God supposidly can make humans have 6 fingers out of the blue. Technically, if he is a 4d character, he can go back into time and make it so humans have 6 fingers. When you go to count your fingers, he just goes back and changes it before you start counting. Since a 4d character can control time, the 4d character could also stop time. Meaning the character could cut off your finger in a fraction of a second.
Therefore, it is possible that a god is a 4d character. God is suppose to live forever correct? Therefore, a 4d character (who is in control of time) is there for eternity in a 3d world.
I might be arguing both sides of the argument, but if god is omnipotent, he can screw around with the laws of physics. However, a 4d character still cannot mess around with the laws of physics.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Why god doesn't exist...atleast the christianity God ideals.
The Christianity god is supposidly omnipotent and omnipresent.
If god was really omnipresent, there would be no way he could catch every last thing. Ok, so maybe he can catch everything. That means he looks everything as a 2d world. Humans see things in a 2d world. You cannot see things behind black walls, you can only see things that are in your line of sight. Everything we see is 2d. Thats natural.
However, the world is not flat. The world is round. God cannot be omnipresent since he cannot see whats on one side of the earth if he's looking at the other side. If he did see the world as a 2d world, he could not see everything at once because we live in buildings. Ok, so say he can, he has to zoom in to see everything. If he did that, it would close his sights so much he would go dizzy, let alone see everything at once.
Now we move onto omnipotent. Omnipotent means all powerful. Therefore, god should be able to roll a 13 on one six sided dice. Not possible. Lets see you try. It goes against our laws of physics, and it is not even logical.That alone can say omnipotentence will never happen. Besides if he was really omnipotent, he should be able make something that he cannot lift. Heh, you say that, and he already has limitations.
Besides, god cannot lie correct? The devil puts a gun (literal term) to humanities head, and another one to himself. This scenerio places humanity at fault. The devil asks whether he is the fault, or the humanity. Whichever one it is, he will shoot. Will god say humanity (annihilating everybody)or the devil (make the world pure)?
You think it out. God should be able to smite all evil out of the world either way (omni-potent) so why doesn't he? Why do we have to live here where bad things happen?
So life goes on, and then you think, heaven and hell. God supposidly gives you the chance to do how you wish (he doesn't restrict you in religeion, actions..etc). But heaven and hell isn't really a choice. Thats like me putting a shotgun to your head saying, "100 dollars or you die." Not much of a choice huh?
Hmm, this puts the christian god much at fault. I still wonder why it's the leading religeon with so many plot holes.