Friday, July 30, 2004


You know what we're doing today class? Playing with the dictionary!

, n. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.

We're all infidels. I could go outside, and each person I see, at each time is an infidel. So, if we're all infidels. Does that mean there is no absolute truth? Not so.

There can not be two absolute truths which contradict each other.

I.E. There can not be only one true God, and no God/gods what so ever. Christianity vs. Atheism.

If any of you want to argue about that, go ahead and try.

Now, we've all heard of religious tolerance. Yeh? Yeh.

Fuck that! There is no reason to tolerate misjustice. You can go ahead and believe in God, but if you pray in my school I will think in your church, and I don't need a god damned pipe bomb to take you guys down. Pen is mightier than the sword, but the internet is more wide spread.

So, what do I mean by that last paragraph? I have no problem with Christians, as long as they don't whine. Leave gays alone, stop spelling clan with three K's, become pro-choice, and eat a god damned veggie burger! If you're pro-life, then become a vegetarian. If you're not, rock on, do what you please, I am not one to say "DON'T EAT MEAT, THINK ABOUT THOSE COWS!" because, frankly, I don't care about cows. I don't love animals, I hate plants...fucking cactus...

Friday, July 23, 2004

Roger's back from Taiwan

I had vacation, so all you happy readers get a new post.

Mary mary.

Mary is a girl who had Jesus. The only catch is, she never had sex. Now how the hell did she become pregnant if she never got laied. I have three possible solutions. One involves a hot spring, and the other two involve guys.

Ok, so the first solution requires a hot spring, and a frisky couple. A hot spring's temperature is high enough to support sperm. Therefore, when a couple is having sex in the hot spring, and Mary is in it, she will get pregnant (as will all the other ladies in the pool).

Second solution is she actually got laid. No more said.

Third solution was she was jacking off a guy (some reports state she was a prostitute or a slut). It just happens to land where her vagina is. The sperm travelled in and she got pregnant.

Ok, so that the first part, self explanitory. The second part is,

Now that Mary has Jesus, she goes around saying he is the Messiah (savior of the people).

Ok, so if god existed, and Jesus really was the messiah, how would everybody know?

Lets take this example, I go around saying I am god in a serious fashion. Or I start saying the I am the lord, and I am watching. In the area where I live, people will not believe me. People will say Im insane. People will say Im just joking. If I did it in the Middle East, I would be shot for blashphemy.

Ok, so say I did have magical powers, I would be labled as the anti christ, and so forth, I would have more problems (chased, shot, etc).

So how did Jesus pull this off? You must remember, people then aren't as well educated as we are.

So the entire point is,

Even if Jesus really was the Messiah, he is still a con man. He took advantage of the low integrity of the ancient minds, therefore, seizing control. I'm not denying the fact he isn't the messiah, nor am I supporting. The entire point was, Mary and Jesus were both very talented con people.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Still Eli.

Basically, all i'm here to say is

There is no religion,
like no religion.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Not Roger!!

It's my turn to post. Yep, this is Eli. I warn you though, me and Roger will post things differently. I'll go directly at the bible, proving inconsistencies. He'll use decisive logic.

Well, where do I get started? So many errors, so little time. . . well. . . this seems as good a plce to start as any, really.

Well, we're all familiar with that one term. "God is merciful." We know that, or think that. None the less, we also know the phrase "God is love." or "I am a loving God." same thing. Well, here's a little point, if God is an all knowing, all loving, all merciful creature, what would compel him to damn his creations to eternities in hell fire? It seems rather mean, in my eyes. After all, we're not disappointing him. He knows exactly what we're going to do. Which brings me to this point, how do we have free will?

God knows exactly what each of us is going to do, when we're going to do it, in what color underwear, how many pieces of hair we'll have at that time, and how we feel about our mothers. So, above all that, he says we have free will. Seems more like we have fate, to me.

Ever wonder why they say Jesus H. Christ? What's the H. stand for?

Well, we're not just attacking Christianity or Catholicism here, are we? We can't give them all the credit for being sanctimonious bastards!

Think about the Muslims. They have to pray five times a day, to Mecca. Well, think about this. We're having plans to someday colonize Mars, so when that happens. . where will the Muslims pray to? Are muslims limited to Earth? Obviously, this religion has some major flaws. Muslims need to evolve, or the religion will die out.

Any religion, what so ever, with reincarnation. It's well known that the population is growing, so where do these souls come from?

I recall somewhere that Muslims are not to do anything that the prophet Muhammad himself did not do. Infact, I also heard about this debate on whether Muslims should eat mangos or not. Well, why the hell were the Islamics flying air planes? Let alone into our buildings!

Currently, I have seen video of brain transplants succeeding (To some extent. No function above the neck was working, save heart and lungs ecetera.) So, where does the soul go? At one time during that, the body of the animal was dead. Which soul is used? Does it have a soul anymore?

Well, time to get back to Christians, eh? They're quite a conundrum.

Let's attack the bible! Yay! Ready for a story children? Good, well here we go.

One day, on Friday evening, a man was nailed to two-by-fours. Well, it is predicted that he rose three nights afterwards(Matthew 12:40: For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.). However, he rose on sunday. I believe I know how to use a calender, so lets count. S M T W T F S. Now, two days after Friday is sunday. What the hell happened on monday, eh?!

Well, you're welcome. Roger will probably post next, but if it might be me. So watch out!
