Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Boys falling behind in education

I was reading about this in Newsweek a few weeks ago, and quite frankley, I don't see what the big surprise is. Call me sexist, but this is largely due to the product of femminization. Yes. I said it. It's called the Femminization of America. Too bad Masulization of America doesn't sound quite right. The reason why males are dropping behind in education, is because Americans now look more towards a girl than a guy. Naturally, you will prefer one gender over another. For example, a teacher may call on 10 boys, but only seven girls. It's a small stretch, but Natural selection dictates that even a small advantage will cause a great stretch.

Now, I'm not saying that this is bad. Heavens no. I don't care. It was bound to happen some day. In this society, men are not allowed to beat their wives. Rape is considered male only, and there are more career women around (no offence ladies, just trying to draw a point). Women of today are also finding more control in society. They are allowed to vote, they can pursue their own careers without anyone dictatating them, etc. These all contribute to the Femminization of America.

So how does this tie into edumecation? Simple. Before the Femminization of America took place, the Males dominated the school system. More males graduated, more males went to college, and males made money. As an old sexist term may outline, "A women's place is in the kitchen." However. Now that America no longer has this male dominated society, the Women have more freedom to do as they wish.

However, the main contributing factor to the Femminization of America comes from Education. As you may realize...even today, the majority of the Elementry school teachers are Women. Many of those women were young during the Women Rights movement. Because of that, they naturally choose the female over the male. Hard to see, but as I said before, even a small advantage is meaningful.

What does this mean in the long run? Women start to gain the advantage over men. They do better in school. More women go to college. This my friend, is a product of the Femminization of America.

Now, it's not like I'm trashing out against that such as how Tyler Durden would do. I don't see the morals beating wives, or locking them in the households. I don't see why they shouldn't pursue their careers, nor do I see why they shouldn't go to college, or why they shouldn't vote. This would eventually happen when the women started asking for rights. Not saying they shouldn't have any, but this isn't anything to be surprised about.

The Femminization of America, is the reason why boys are falling behind in education. No more, no less.


Vman said...

i'm waiting for the feminist hate comments. you're so right. you ripped off newsweek though.

Roger Yang said...

I said it was from Newsweek. I just stated what I thought was the cause of this.

Mango said...

Women are continually being put on a pedestal by society. Look at history books. Mine, for example, contains a section on women during the revolutionary era. This consisted entirely of Abigail Adams and is simply a glorification of women; similiar has been done with minorities, nobody seems to remember that MLK Jr. was a womanizer, but that Billy Clinton was a little loose in the pants will never be forgotten. Being PC dictates that we be nicer to these groups than white males, which is unfair.

Also, in my experience, it is the women who get results when they complain. A girl cried because she got an 89 on her science midterm and got an extra point. Another one got a second period to do a math test in. I would like to see what would happen if I tried the same.