Friday, January 21, 2005

The Tax, and The Rich

So, what many people don't seem to realize is that the really really rich Republicans, are only republicans for the sake of money. Despite what you believe, it's true. A very rich republican votes for Bush, so he/she can get that little tax cuts to make his/her numbers go up. Thats really annoying.

Not only do they get tax cuts, but they already pay very little in taxes. Many rich people are very succesful stock brokers. They don't pay taxes because well, stocks aren't taxed anymore. So thats one problem. The second problem is that rich people can hire army of accountants to grab every single penny the government, "takes," from them. Ok, so I'm exaggerating, but they really do find every single penny possible. With enough pennies saved, it becomes a dollar. And so on. Other times, they just, "donate," their money to a non-profit organization and lists that as a donation to the government. However, their so called non-profit organization is something like their little golf club. That by it self, means that they save alot of money. They don't pay taxes, and the money their supposed to pay taxes are just returned to them.

Bush gives tax cuts. At notoriously bad times. But that has already be written. Bush's idea of a tax cut is the guy on the bottom benefits the most. The person who gets paid minimal wage gets something like a 50% tax cut (not real number), and the person on top gets a 2% tax cut. Well, a guy who gets the highest tax cut saves maybe around...500 ish dollars? The person with the lowest tax cut gets something around, 20 000 dollars. Saved.

Not only that, but Congress has also cut funds for the IRS. Resulting in MORE rich people getting away with tax evasion. The IRS can't catch everybody. If they get little funds, they can't catch anybody. This was caused by politicians (rich people) in congress. Damn politicians.

So I say, we should have a flat tax. Everybody pays whatever percentage, regardless of their income. Not only that, but the money made by stocks should also be taxed. All the money from this, would go a really long way in paying out national debt...That was caused by Bush.

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