Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Scribe Returns! Christmas Edition.

For me, the Christmas season only began today, when I helped my dad put up those annoying Christmas lights on the tree outside (and got cut in the process), but nowadays, Christmas season begins in November. Stores even declare a "Black Friday" right after Thanksgiving, where the masses come and go from the shops like cicadas in the summer, only this time, it's annual.


Why has a religious holiday become so twisted into a commercial venture in the US? In other countries, the urge to sell is not nearly as great, but in the United States, Christmas is synonomous with gifts, money spending, and sales. In fact, companies rely so much on Christmas that they expect 40% of their sales to come from the very first day of holiday shopping alone. 40%!

In fact, why are we even celebrating Christmas in December? The Bible even says that Jesus was born in the springtime, March or Aprilish, so why celebrate his birthday now? What's the point? Do people in America want to be so greedy that they have to invent this holiday and skew what once was a holy day into a moneymaking scam? And what does the Church have to say about this?

Absolutely jack shit.

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