Tuesday, December 07, 2004

IM is bad

IM is one of the most popular inventions ever. You have a craptastic piece of software, and people send messages to each other. In other words, Its basically like an Insta-Email. Well, IM rots your brains. It destroys many things that languages require to function. Although many people don't feel the effects of IM, it slowly decays your mind, and annoys the hell out of the person who's right next to you.

For example, the word you. It has been degraded into the letter "u," in AIM. This is the effects of IM. Soon, after several hours wasted on AIM, you end up typing the word you, into the letter u. Trust me on this, I'm speaking from experience. It took me several weeks to undo that habit during 7th grade. IM is bad for you. In extreme cases, it leaks into regular speech. For example, the text ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing). I have heard, "roffle," said out loud during school. This also includes, "looool." This is how AIM rots your mind. It develops it's own laugage type thing. Which is bad. Your teacher probably hates it when you have the letter, "u," the text, ": )," etc. IT'S BAD.

Also, many of IM users are pretty computer illiterate. There is a function inside AIM where it turns off the sounds. However, everybody has heard the classic story of the guy who's roomate had AIM. The highly annoying sound has ticked many off. In the case of the story, the guy takes out his baseball bat and breaks the computer. It happens. Theres also the one's who are like, "NEVER! OR ELSE I DON'T KNOW WHEN I GOT IM'ED." You get the point.

IM has gone too far. Now they have electronics devoted to AIM. Your cellphone now has text messages. You have that little slidy thingy which lets you AIM whenever you want. This rapidly degrades the writing ability of many. It rips the language part of your brain out from your ears. It is bad for you. IM is bad.

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