Saturday, December 18, 2004

The iPod Sucks

One thing I really can't stand is people that are uninformed with technology. If you are going to get an expensive piece of hardware, learn how to fucking use it first, right? Common sense. So, why do people buy iPods? Because they are fashionable, they are in style. What about the functionality? Crap. I think that the iPod is the Windows of MP3/audio players. Why do I say this? Apple owns 85% of the market for audio players. Everyone knows that there must be better things than the iPod out there, right? But because of the support and the fact that only the iPod is compatible with the AAC/iTunes proprietary formats, everyone uses them. Why do I use my Windows as opposed to Linux? Why, the compatibility, and the support. Why else would you use Windows at all? Linux is open source, doesn't get viruses, looks better, runs smoother, and best of all free. So why not Linux? The support. And this gets back to the first thing that I was saying. Why does everyone buy the iPod? Because everyone's getting them. Isn't that somewhat of a bandwagon effect? The screens on the iPod scratch very easily, as do their backs. I don't think I've seen one un-scratched iPod screen on an iPod that has been owned for more than a week. Why? Because the people who do buy iPods are idiots who don't know their motherboards from their CPUs. Know what I say to that? If you haven't bought an iPod already, don't. Jump off of that bandwagon. Get something better, something more personal, and something, most importantly, cheaper. IPods cost way too much for their own good. Here's a few items for those of you who are sane.

Creative products. These have touch pads instead of scroll wheels.

Creative Zen Touch 20gig.
Creative Zen Micro 5gig. (1 gig more than the iPod mini. Also, comes in more colors, and is cheaper. Black color shown here.)

Rio products. These are incredably small and portable.
Rio Karma 20gig.

Rio Carbon 5gig.
Flash players. These have no moving parts, so they're hard to break. Smaller sizes, though. Multiple companies.

Rio Forge 512meg.
Creative Labs Muvo 256meg.
That's enough for now. I only did two companies, but you get the idea. There's plenty of choices, why would you ever settle for an expensive pile of crap?

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