Abortion. Many democrats believe this to be perfectly fine. We believe that it's not life until it actually comes out (with some variations). Republicans believe it is immoral. They believe that life starts straight when the two cells meet. Something about the World Health Organization says the same thing.
Gay Marriage. Many people believe this to be a mental disease. Many people believe that marriage should be between a man and a women. Many people believe that the union of homosexuals is completely immoral. Many people believe that such a thing cannot be legalized.
Iraq War. Many republicans believe this is fully just. They believe that such a thing should be done, because Saddam was a dictator and a sadistic bastard (I think his sons are worse). And many people believe that we should finish off the war, and install a great democracy in Iraq. Furthermore, they are willing to give up certain rights for this protection against terrorism.
"Those who would trade safety for freedom deserve neither" __Thomas Jefferson
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for temporal safety deserve neither to be safe or free" __Benjamin Franklin
You my countrymen, have been manipulated by the wealthy class of citizens. Those who tell you that gay marriage is immoral. That abortion should be illegal. Those who tell you that we should finish the Iraq war. People who told you to vote for George W. Bush. People who even funded his campaign.
When I ask a person about why they voted for Bush, they usually say:
"Because I believe in his views."
"I believe he is doing what is right for the moral community."
Since when does abortion, Iraq war, gay marriage, take greater precedance than that of fiscal responsibility? As a republican said after being shown the results of Regen and the steel industry,
"Oh, we know about that. We lived through that time. We just voted for Bush because he gives tax cuts."
A little pinch of reality for you people. The rich are trying to make money. They do not care about abortion. They do not care about gay marriage. They don't even care about the troops dying on the other side. All they care about is their money. Their tax cuts. Their investment taxes (Bush cut that too). They don't care about what you people are staging protests about.
I see signs of:
(a funny quote)
I also hear things like:
"We should really get in there, kick some ass, and fix that basketcase."
Now, one of the reasons why I don't support the Iraq war is the fact that we can't pay for it. I'm only sixteen. It means sooner or later, the burden of the debt falls on me. If the rich screw it up and the economy collapses, I'm going to be the one who gets hit with the full force. If the economy screws up so much that I cannot attain a living pay, I might not even have kids.
One of the reasons why I'm against the tax cut is because the national debt becomes larger. It becomes heavier. And like I stated above, the burden of that debt will fall on me.
One of the reasons why I'm against free trade is because without tariffs, we're at a huge trade defecit. Again, the burden falls onto my generation. That burden will affect every single generation after that.
So you may ask, what about the rich? They don't care. They have a huge insurance fund stocked away in their bank, under the name of 401k. They're set. Their kids are set. They can live an easy life, and still have more than enough left over for their kids and then their generation.
But you see, most Americans who support Bush are oblivious to the fiscal basketcase America is in right now. I saw the presidental debates, and Abortion was one of the issues. Why the hell is this an issue? Why is it that nobody asks about our financial future? Why is it that nobody asks about investment taxes? It's because you people are too preoccupied with your so called morals. You are distracted from the real problem of America. You're distracted from the future.
I believe that Republicans are either retarded (BURN THE FAGS), or super smart (Tax cuts FTW). So who leads the republicans? Politicians. Rich people. The very people who say, "we voted him for tax cuts."
Listen people. Your morals are not as important as your children. And if the world comes tumbling down on them, and your era's debts becomes theirs, you have failed as a parent.
So I leave you with this, which every good christian should be quite familiar with:
The anti-christ is someone with great financial power
Wouldn't it be ironic if Roger ended up fighting for God?
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
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Roger, I am impressed with your train of thought, though not always with its final destination. As a 40 year old middle class dad with two teenagers myself, I applaud your taking a stand and the path of logic and reason that you are using rather than just spouting one line sound bites.
However, (isn't there always one of those) don't leave the criticism to just the Republicans. If you cannot apply the same light to the cronies and leaders of the Democratic Party, then you are just as weak and manipulated as the republicans you criticize.
You are half way to the illumination that many in mainstream America have started to embrace, that Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. Both are led by the wealthy (look up the income and family records of the democratic senators, congressmen, and governors - most follow the same Ivy league, primrose path their republican counterparts prance down and come from careers with incomes in 6 to 7 figures, and families with historic wealth). I do not think wealth is wrong, but be aware it not a Republican monopoly.
Democrats also make huge promises to their constituents that they also never keep. Granted, the conservatives are the lap dogs of the Republicans, but the minorities and poor serve the same purpose to the Democrats. Neither party at the National or State level really cares for those whose votes they pander for, the only ones who really see representation from these politicians are those businesses, unions, PAC’s, and lobbyist who make the campaign coffers of BOTH parties runneth over. All they care about is obtaining power and holding it.
To another of your points, I personally supported the war. I said then if there were no WMD's then I would change my mind. Guess what - I was betrayed and I have changed my mind. However, I also have to be realistic in the cost of pulling out now... it will destabilize a region that cannot afford to be thrown into chaos.
Another of your points: Are Republicans spent us into the ground? Absolutely, but you might be surprised to see that the money being spent on the war could be removed from the budget and we would still have the largest increase in spending since the days of FDR and the New Deal. And for that reason I have sworn not to vote for a republican senator/congressman/or presidential candidate in coming years. But don't be a fool; the choice for a democratic candidate is going to lead to equal disaster with raising taxes on the middle class (who the democrats vilanize to the poor as being part of the rich). Though in this point I am the first to conceed to Clinton’s efforts (with a very young and grass root conservative Republican congress) to balance the budget and reduce the deficit. How did they do it? They compromised. A word that our two party system seems to have forgotten. There are good and honest men in both parties that should and would be able compromise and to drive this country the way the founding fathers intended. But these men are being pushed to the sidelines by the likes of the Bush's, Clinton's, Kennedy's, and Cheney's.
Your generation has the power to change this, but don't let either of these parties fool you into thinking they have your best interest in mind. The answer lies with the grass roots change that will form a centrist party that can use the common sense you show along with some of the moral fiber that you may not always agree with.
The Abortion issue could be solved if compromise was allowed, but BOTH sides are unwilling. There is a point that common sense should tell you that killing the child inside the mother is wrong. That child feels pain after certain points in development, and Abortion is a VERY violent and painful end to that child’s life. If we killed the murderers, rapist, and butchers on death row the same way we kill infants in the womb the left wing of our nation would howl to the moon til something was changed. By the same standard, a compromise from the pro-life movement would include viable clauses for the health of the mother, or even for perhaps a first trimester only abortion law (which would still reduce the number only by a fraction).
Anyway... sorry, my response ended up being so long winded… Again, I applaud your thoughts and the fact this country’s future is important to you. Let me encourage you to keep facts at the center of your arguments, be willing to change your opinion when proven wrong through logic and reason (that is a hard one), yet still be passionate to your beliefs.
Do that and a reasonable man may not always agree with you, but will respect you and your positions.
I was actually leaning more towards the economy than abortion and the like. But I appreciate your response, and surprised at the fact that people still read my corner of the net.
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