Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lack of Current Events

While I may not be the best read person, I'm certainly well read enough to know whats going on behind things. And for the most part, I'm starting to agree with one of Steven Colbert's sarcastic comments.


After reading several books about the current US, I agree that it is super depressing. I read about how the global class divide is growing larger. I read about slaughter houses and their conditions. Hell, I've even read about how large corporations use some sort of psychological warfare on their employees who are not in management. Now, I was never one to like the phrase, "Ignorance is bliss." But after reading said books, I realize it, ignorance IS bliss.

The true question behind this is, why isn't anyone doing anything about it? Why isn't the government putting more restrictions on the beef industry? Why is the government continuing to spend while cutting taxes? Why is the government pushing laws that are obviously unconstitutional, even by federalist standards? Why is it that nobody sees the entire fight we had to go through to actually set up our constitution and bill of rights? Why is it that nobody actually knows the true meaning behind each statement?

There are a lot of whys. And the reason is because people don't read about important things. Sure, I like trash science fiction as much as the next person. But I will still pick up books such as, Reason. There are books out there that try to reveal the black face behind the government and social classes. Granted, they're SUPER DEPRESSING, but how is the advancement of US citizens going to continue if the government can continue to do such things? I have a good idea about our stances and their problems. But what I cannot figure out is why so many people are oblivious to said fact. (Whichever idiot tells me it's because I keep on taking out all the poly-sci books out of the library deserves to be shot)

For the lack of better terms, catch up on what's happening with the government. While the writer's voice may not say anything, a large crowd of people will. But as the large crowd of people are stuck in the state of bliss, such changes cannot happen. Perhaps I'm the one who'se wrong, and I should be happy as a carefree person. But like the Matrix, "Once you know the truth, you can never go back."

1 comment:

roman said...


You have hit upon an important life lesson. The more we know and understand, the more responsibility we assume for our existence. Welcome to maturity.