"I contemplate with solemn reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."
Said by Thomas Jefferson.
I fully agree with what he said about the separation of church and state. It's a bad thing. For example, the bible will start dictating what should be done with
Yes, it is true that in the bible, god did not create Adam and Steve.
Note: I am agnostic/atheist.
But it is also true that the people who are fighting for gay marriages are fighting for their civil rights, as stated in a previous post.
It's somewhere on that page. I did not argue gay marriage on the religious terms. I argued on the basis of civil rights. Yes, I would be fine if there was, "gay mariage," in which they can attain their civil rights.
Prayer should not be taught in school. Note: I am not against someone praying during school. I am perfectly fine with that. However, there is no reason to make the entire class pray. They're kids, and they will believe anything they are told. I know this, because throughout my life, I have recited the Pledge of Allegiance. I say it's brain washing, through I'm not against it. I have full loyalty for my country. The effect of mandatory prayer in school would be a massive conversion of children into religion A.
Furthur more, yes; it is true that the exact words, “Separation of Church and State,” do not appear in the Constitution. HOWEVER, the first amendment forbids several things.
- Establish a state religion or prefer certain religion
- Prohibit the free exercise of religion
- Infringe the freedom of speech
- Infringe the freedom of the press
- Limit the right to assemble peaceably
- Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances
The first two apply to this post. It does not specifically say, "Separation of Church and State," however it does draw the same point. The government will not can not and must not establish a state religion or prefer certain religion. This is important. Yes, it does state that in the first amendment.
That just depends on what you believe morality stems from.
For you it's god, for me it's utilitarism(sp).
Good post. most people don't actually use evidence like you did to support their points. There's some rule that says all you have to do is stand during the pledge not say it. that's what I do. I will never say it until a black man or a woman or a black woman or a lesbian becomes president. simply because politics is dominated by old white men.
Actually, more like something along the lines of....
"The bible says this, so we must all abide by it."
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