Friday, September 16, 2005

Free Market. Capitalist.

Karl Marx is a commie. Sad to say, I agree with his one point that capitalism will eventually destroy itself. His idea is basically, "The rich will get richer, and the poor will get poorer." Right now in America, this is true.

The free market idea is basically where the government does not touch the market at all. The market runs however it wishes. However, this may cause many problems. For example, in the US, if you have a monopoly, you play by different buisiness rules rather than the standard. If there are two companies, equal in size, one company may undervalue their product in order to gain more customers. However, a monopoly cannot do this. This is due to the fact that the monopoly has just so much money to spare. Thus, the monopoly cannot undervalue their product in order to give smaller companies a foothold.

Well, right now our all mighty, great ruler president (*sarcasm*) believes in this system. He also thinks that the richer the rich get, the more jobs they will create. Big problem. The rich are already filty rich, and you're giving money to the filty rich. This doesn't work. Explination: Filty rich. They already have alot of money. The only thing is that you don't know that due to swiss bank accounts. However, that is beside the point.

Part of the reason our economy is failing is because the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. This is the problem with capitalism. However, the government should switch to a utilitarianism type of view, where the government only interfears to benefit the most amount of people (key word, most. Not aristocracy).


Oh yeah, does anybody think our economy is just mysteriously messed up? They predicted that the US economy was supposed to coolapse during the 1950s, though right now it's 2004 and has started to dwindle. Well, there's some really weird stuff when it comes to our economy. First thing, everybody pegs to our dollar. China does it. Japan does it. Many countries do it. Why? To keep their stuff artifically cheap? Another oddity. Alot of countries invest in our US bonds. But it's more like, "I lend you money to buy our stuff."

Does anyone think that's weird at all? More or less, it's a bowling ball balanced on a needle. Nobody is quite sure how it works, but everybody sees it. So what the hell?

I mean, I'm not saying everybody, unpeg your dollars. Japan did something like this and it all bubbled up. Japan's economy became a basket case (I predict this will happen with China if they ever decide to fully unpeg it's dollar in the near future). Japan's currency is still pegged, but not as much.

Okay. Conspiracy theory.
I think this is all a big plot to screw over the US. When our economy goes into the shit hole, we'll start owing alot of money because all the countries invested in our bonds.

Okay, so maybe they aren't plotting to do this against us. But this will probably happen unless someone does something about the dollar pegs, us bonds, and our freaking trade deficiet.

[sarcasm] And all mighty Bush will magically solve this problem. [/sarcasm]

1 comment:

Vman said...

I agree Bush is horrible for our economy and we have a huge debt to china. It's ridiculous that we have to borrow. Why don't you try cutting pork, republican assholes.