Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Pope, and evolution

Many people believe that creation is what started humanity. Well, if you think it logically, without this panacea for all unknown things called, "god," you'd think there would be something that would snag your mind about creation. Without a panacea, you have nothing supporting Creation. There is no scientific evidence, there is no boundries, there is nothing supporting the creation cause.

Saying you think creation is the way to go, is also saying you believe in geocentric ideas. Back then, people have proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe, and the orbit was eliptical. However, nobody believed it at that time. The point I'm trying to make is...Have our level of thinking not expanded over the years?


"Today, more than a half century after this encyclical [Pius XII's 1950 encyclical Humani generis], new knowledge leads us to recognize in the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis."

As you can see, the pope certainly thinkgs evolution is more than just a stupid thing us liberals made up in order to make you all go to hell. Sure, there are some problems, but look, the Pope thinks evolution is more than just a hypothesis. So what does that make you? A heretic? What does that make the your holy leader? A heretic?

Think for a second. Just sit down and think. Do you believe in something thats backed up by a book? Or do you believe in something that has a little evidence?

1 comment:

Vman said...

I can sum up everything libs believe about this issue in one compound sentence. Evolution is science and creationism is theology. One should be taught in science labs, one should be taught in either english or social studies, if it must be taught at all.
