Monday, September 18, 2006

Stop Rioting. It's not that bad

The pope quoted a medieval author, saying something like the Muslims have only brought evil upon the world. Something along those lines, I’m not really quite sure. But the fact remains is, after the apology and re-explanation from the pope, many Muslims are still up, demanding for the pope’s apology, after receiving one. I for one am completely against those who protest against the Muslims on this one. Not only because the Muslims, who want to prove they are not evil, are causing riots and advocating a holy war against the west, but the fact that the Muslims aren’t treated that badly. One statement by a religious figure is not enough to cause a huge riot.

I know some of you may think, “Well, what would you do if your beliefs were attacked?” For that, I say fuck you. I’m an Atheist/Agnostic. I’m treated like crap. They don’t like us in the military. Something like, “There is never an Atheist in a foxhole.” Only recently have they allowed the atheist to have something on their grave stone. The Jews have a star. The Christians have the cross. And I finally get the Atom. But even with that, the atheists are treated far worse. Many people state that the Atheists are just a bunch of communists. Recent surveys indicate that Atheists are on the bottom of the trusted totem pole. This puts them below gays, terrorists, Muslims, and Jews. This basically means that an Atheist will never hold office. At least until this religious period passed.

What does this exactly mean? When was the last time an Atheist waged a war because their beliefs were attacked? Repeatedly, we’re stomped on and distrusted, even if we advocate the separation of church and state. Many atheists wouldn’t even agree if the words, “There is no god,” was inscribed everywhere. Unlike several radials located in the US, who believe that if we don’t like it here, we can just pack up and leave for China. So apparently, we’re fairly reasonable people. And I say fairly, because there’s always the communist thingy, which I also don’t agree on. But the main point is, we don’t walk around with AK-47s about it. Or any weapon for that matter.

Naturally, I give sympathy to those who are not militant, and would rather get on with their lives rather than be screened for plastic explosives.

Now, I believe that Islam is a fairly peaceful religion. The Jihad is something that happens when an intruder comes in and destroys thing. It’s something that you do in order to protect yourself (Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s what I’ve picked up so far). However, this entire, “protect yourself,” doesn’t exactly seem to coincide with the definition of the Holy War. Neither does the outrage against the Pope’s quote. If anything, the Muslims should be pissed off at history.

Then again, what does that say about Atheists?

It was worse back then, granted. The Medieval ages were very Christian oriented, and Heresy was a big topic.

Yet even so, Atheists seem to remain fairly peaceful people. The Muslims in America at least get funding for their religious organizations. The Atheists get nothing. Yet we don’t blow shit up about it, and we don’t raise riots. We don’t go out to anger the other side. Get on with your freaking life; you have more important things to worry about. You have to worry about food, water, and shelter. Your kids. Your house. And if it means anything to you, the people kicking down your door too.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


False Advertising

False advertising is a crime in the United States. However, this is run by politicians. So does false advertising apply to politicians as well? What happens of a politician directly slanders and lies at another? Does this count as false advertising? So say you’re running for president, and the other person directly attacks you. The attack is based only on false information, saying that you were a drug dealer. Or that you had a bastard child. Or even worse, they said you were an atheist(1). So you two are going at it, and there’s a lot of people who were going to vote for you. However, after the opposing party ran these false claims, you suddenly have a drop in votes. Is this illegal? Should I be able to directly attack my opponent with things I pull out of my ass? If you said no, then I demand George Bush be impeached.

If you paid attention to Bush’s run for primaries back in 01, you know that John McCain was one of the fore runners in the republican primaries. John McCain. Nice guy. He was a captured pilot. He knows how to run the military. He knows what’s going on. Since he’s in air force, he’s intelligent enough to do whatever he really wants.

For the start of the run, McCain schooled Bush in both Iowa and New Hampshire. In an act of desperation, Bush started spreading rumors about him, saying he had an illegitimate child with a black woman. This caused a lot of, “Moral,” Americans to switch their primary votes from McCain to George Bush. Now how is this moral? Aren’t we all about a fair race between two presidents? Instead of getting calls saying, “Would you vote for McCain if you knew he was fathering a bastard(2) child?” This, my friend, is direct propaganda. For one thing, McCain did not father a bastard child. He adopted a child. But just the entity itself was proof enough for everybody to agree with George Bush’s campaign team.

John McCain also came out with something like….

"I hate the gooks, and I will hate them for as long as I live . . . and you can quote me."

Now, gook looks no where close to chink, but you could just as easily twist that and say that McCain is a pretty racist son of a bitch. Personally, I think he’s pretty moderate because he doesn’t exactly hate all Asians. If I was a downed fighter pilot and was tortured for 4 years, I’d be one pissed off person.

What is sad that Bush’s campaign worked. Not only did he win the Republican primaries, but he also took a large percentage of Americans as fools. Everybody knows that nobody reads the news. Fox Chase Five and Pamphlets probably accounts for 3% of the population who reads the news. By playing the card of ignorance, he stole the republican primaries, and ran away with Presidency.


(1)Atheist: Apparently, they would vote for a gay Muslim before they would vote for an Atheist.

(2)bastard: You know, pregnancy before marriage?

Monday, September 11, 2006



One may wonder why we went into the Iraq war. All leads we have linking Saddam and Al Qaeda only uncover distrust between the two. Saddam’s WMDs have disappeared; his nuclear program has been air-struck by Israel. All of his large purchases relating to nuclear weapons have uncovered, “scams,” of red mercury. Morality is low in the Intelligence Agency. So why did we go into Iraq? After some digging, some very suspicious links started to appear.

For one, Halliburton seems to have just as much dirt on them as Wal-Mart. That in itself is a little scary.

During a time of war, it is not unusual for an arms contractor to have a sudden stock jump. But further research indicated that one of the companies that profited the most happens to be Halliburton. When you link company with politician, it turns up with the name Dick Cheney, who had retired during the year of 2000. In 2001, he ran with George Bush for presidency. While some may state that Halliburton had a very small profit margin, the fact of the matter is that Halliburton’s stock jumped from 9 measly dollars, to a stunning 69. Coincidence? So one would hope. Connect the dots and something strange appears. That or I should take off my tin foil hat.

The thing that surprises me the most is the benefits Cheney gets from Halliburton. This includes somewhere between 50,000 to 150,000 dollars worth of pension, and 18 million dollars worth of stock. The fact that he’s donating all 18 million dollars worth of stock to a charity seems to be the shadiest thing out of all. For one thing, it mirrors the RIAA, “Sympathy,” case. In this case, the sympathy donation is just there to clean up the image. The entire fact that the Republicans killed an investigation of Halliburton’s military profits just seems a little…..strange. The more you dig, the stranger it gets. The fact that Halliburton won with a low bid seems strange. But Cheney’s bribery actions as the CEO of Halliburton as well as the evidence stated linking Saddam and WMDs just makes the hole deeper.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bomb Thy Neighbor

Hey everyone, I’m alive and this will probably be the first of many posts from me until I make friends out here and start being more socially active. Los Angeles is fine and all, but I miss you guys a lot. Well, some of you. You know who you are. My new school has a more diverse student body than RHS (gasp). Oh, and if you think that knowing Khalil will prepare you for dealing with black people, you are dead wrong.

Anyway, lots of things happened over the summer. For one thing, Israel invaded southern Lebanon. Let’s go over that whole situation, shall we? Hamas took an Israeli soldier captive, follow by Hezbollah capturing two more Israeli soldiers. Both organizations wanted negotiations, but Israel went on the offensive. A brave and assertive move, I would say, but someone at Israeli high command needs to be fired. At. With rifles. Everything went wrong. In Lebanon, Israel started the attack by spending a week destroying bridges, power plants, water plants, airports, highways, and otherwise crippling the infrastructure of the country. Afterwards, they started moving ground troops, who should have been able to defeat Hezbollah’s guerilla fighters easily. Instead, Hezbollah lost about 1 man for every 3 Israeli troops. Civilian-wise, however, the Lebanese suffered greater losses, with about 10 times more than Israel. One might point out that Israel told the Lebanese people to leave their homes, but didn’t the Israelis stay put whenever they were attacked in the past? Exactly. Unfortunately, Israeli’s goal of rescuing its troops was not accomplished and now they are in the process of withdrawing their ground forces from southern Lebanon. Hopefully the UN negotiators sent by Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the UN, can do something about the captives. Oh, and speaking of the UN, they actually did something more than just talking. A UN peacekeeping force is being deployed along the Israeli-Lebanese border, mostly comprised of French, Italian and Turkish soldiers.

Ok, that’s it from me. I’ll go be anti-social now.