Saturday, May 29, 2004


Creation is something that is probably not true.

At least not the Christian theory.

The Christian Theory of creation is that a guy and a girl (Adam and Eve) were created, and they spawned the entire human race.

However, there comes several problems, such as different races, and inbreeding.

We will start at different races.
A white guy and a white girl isn't going to spit out an asian person. Likewise, an asian girl and an asian guy isn't going to spit out a black guy, etc. Now how is it you get a white guy and girl to spit out a black, asian, celtic, indian (and so forth) race?

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. After many years of banging each other, we havn't found a way to spit out a different race out of two same raced people. Albino's don't count, since their gene's are f'ed up. And so forth..

Now we have the inbreeding problem.

First, let's take the example of pure bred dogs. They have the same genetic problems (worsening). Bad eyesight, genetic disease, etc. They take their youngest dog, and breed that with his first cousin. Something wrong there. In today's society, thats just disgusting.

Anyways, mutts, (not purebred dogs) are healther, stronger, faster, and smarter than pure bred. Reason being, they don't have the inbred problems.

This is the same with Humans. If we take the son, and his mom, to have kids, you are going to have one messed up kid (and relation). Now if you have only two people creating the entire human race, the entire human race is odd (that would maybe explain George Bush...),

Therefore, creation, the christian way, does not work.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

God as a 4d character

Ok, if god can roll a 13 on one six sided dice, it's possible that he is a 4d character.

First, what is 4d? Well, the fourth dimention. The 4d can control time in the 3d world.

Lets first talk about the dimentions (not counting 1d). Ok, how would somebody in a 2d world see a sphere? They would see a dot get larger and smaller. A 4d sphere in a 3d world. We would see a small point (sphere) get bigger and smaller.

Now a prison in a 2d world would just be a closed polygon. Except a 3d world character can just step right over it. In the 3d world case, it would be a box. However, this you might find interesting. A 4d character can see the time rifts. Therefore, he can do really freaky stuff. To get out of a 3d prison, the 4d character could just go to the time where it was made, and just step out of the boundries.

To imprison a 4d character, you need a building that lasts for all of eternity.

Now what does this have to do with god?

God supposidly can make humans have 6 fingers out of the blue. Technically, if he is a 4d character, he can go back into time and make it so humans have 6 fingers. When you go to count your fingers, he just goes back and changes it before you start counting. Since a 4d character can control time, the 4d character could also stop time. Meaning the character could cut off your finger in a fraction of a second.

Therefore, it is possible that a god is a 4d character. God is suppose to live forever correct? Therefore, a 4d character (who is in control of time) is there for eternity in a 3d world.

I might be arguing both sides of the argument, but if god is omnipotent, he can screw around with the laws of physics. However, a 4d character still cannot mess around with the laws of physics.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Why god doesn't exist...atleast the christianity God ideals.

The Christianity god does not exist. At least it doesn't have all the abilities the Christians say he does.

The Christianity god is supposidly omnipotent and omnipresent.

If god was really omnipresent, there would be no way he could catch every last thing. Ok, so maybe he can catch everything. That means he looks everything as a 2d world. Humans see things in a 2d world. You cannot see things behind black walls, you can only see things that are in your line of sight. Everything we see is 2d. Thats natural.

However, the world is not flat. The world is round. God cannot be omnipresent since he cannot see whats on one side of the earth if he's looking at the other side. If he did see the world as a 2d world, he could not see everything at once because we live in buildings. Ok, so say he can, he has to zoom in to see everything. If he did that, it would close his sights so much he would go dizzy, let alone see everything at once.

Now we move onto omnipotent. Omnipotent means all powerful. Therefore, god should be able to roll a 13 on one six sided dice. Not possible. Lets see you try. It goes against our laws of physics, and it is not even logical.That alone can say omnipotentence will never happen. Besides if he was really omnipotent, he should be able make something that he cannot lift. Heh, you say that, and he already has limitations.

Besides, god cannot lie correct? The devil puts a gun (literal term) to humanities head, and another one to himself. This scenerio places humanity at fault. The devil asks whether he is the fault, or the humanity. Whichever one it is, he will shoot. Will god say humanity (annihilating everybody)or the devil (make the world pure)?

You think it out. God should be able to smite all evil out of the world either way (omni-potent) so why doesn't he? Why do we have to live here where bad things happen?

So life goes on, and then you think, heaven and hell. God supposidly gives you the chance to do how you wish (he doesn't restrict you in religeion, actions..etc). But heaven and hell isn't really a choice. Thats like me putting a shotgun to your head saying, "100 dollars or you die." Not much of a choice huh?

Hmm, this puts the christian god much at fault. I still wonder why it's the leading religeon with so many plot holes.